Business Types
There are many types of businesses today, and more than one might apply to a racquet sports business. Will yours be an online business? Are you going “green”? Will you buy into a franchise, purchase an existing business, or work from home? At IART, we’ve found that most participants at our annual training symposium prefer working from home instead of paying high rent for a storefront. For those already in the business, you can surely understand why many are choosing this path.
Business Types
One of your first decisions is the type of business you will open. Before making your decision, explore available opportunities, such as a home-based or online business.
Calculate Startup Costs
How much money will it take to start your tennis business? Calculate the startup costs so you can request funding, attract investors, and estimate when you’ll turn a profit.
Starting a Home Based Business
According to data, there are more than 32.5 million small businesses in the U.S. Half of those, or approximately 15 million, are home-based businesses. The percentage goes up to more than 60% if you include small companies without paid employees.
Older Workers: Labor Force Trends
Don’t overlook this demographic for potential employees. Through 2024, the participation rate is expected to increase fastest for the oldest segments of the population—most notably, people ages 65 to 74 and 75 and older.
Minority Labor Force
The SBA is a strong advocate of minority and special audiences, and they know doing business with the government, also called government contracting, can be a very lucrative endeavor for small businesses.