3M Lead & Double Sided Tape

For those of you interested in sourcing 3M tapes for customizing racquets, I have two Amazon links to share with you. I have personally recommended 3M lead tape for many years and the reason I like this tape is because you can depend on the consistency of the weight. For instance, if you have a roll of 1-inch wide 3M 420 lead tape, each 1-inch long piece is going to weigh exactly 1 gram. The 1-inch tape is especially useful if you need to add a fair amount of weight under the grip. You can buy this tape on Amazon HERE

The 3M 444 Mylar tape is also very reliable if you’re looking for double-sided tape and this works great in various applications for grip modification. An example would be when adding a heat shrink sleeve. You can place this tape on the pallet before you slide the sleeve on and this will keep the sleeve from slipping underneath the grip after it’s heated and cooled. You can buy this tape on Amazon HERE
Comments (3)
Aloha Tim,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I’ll also provide the link to the 3M .5-inch size here.
What width size do you usually buy?
Sorry, the link wasn’t able to load. Here’s what I typed in the Amazon search bar.
3M 420 Dark Silver Lead Foil Tape Roll – 0.5 in. x 15 ft. Conformable Tape, Rubber Adhesive. Safety Tapes
I typically buy 1″ and 1/2″