Mark Gonzalez of Yonex and Alpha Racquet Sports is one of the most respected names in the industry when it comes to customer service and in fact, is a role model for others to follow. His knowledge of stringing machines ranks among the very best in the industry and he has strung racquets professionally at many tennis & badminton tournaments.
Mark Gonzalez
IART Global Ambassador
Mark Gonzalez of Yonex and Alpha Racquet Sports is one of the most respected names in the industry when it comes to customer service and in fact, is a role model for others to follow. His knowledge of stringing machines ranks among the very best in the industry and he has strung racquets professionally at many tennis & badminton tournaments. Mark is an MRT (Master Racquet Technician) with the USRSA (United States Racquet Stringers Association) and a certification tester for the USRSA as well. Mark began his career in the industry in 1985 in Corpus Christi Texas by working 8 years at Nevada Bob’s Golf and Tennis. He is extremely passionate about racquet sports and has been a seminar leader at every IART training symposium. Alpha has also been a sponsor of the IART symposium from the very beginning.