Learn from the best.
Listen to attendees from the 2010 Symposium talking about their symposium experience. There really is something for every stringer at every level and each year they walk away as better technicians for having attended the IART symposium.
Where do the people who attend the IART racquet stringers symposium come from? Well, all over the world. This video shows a montage of the various locations people traveled from to attend the 2008 & 2009 IART symposium. Take a look!
Why should you attend the IART racquet stringers symposium? Listen to Eric Ohlson from Hood River, Oregon as he talks about his first experience when he attended the IART racquet stringers symposium in 2009
Vasiliy Guryanov talks about the importance of investing his time to attend the IART racquet stringers symposium
2009 Prince speed stringing contest winner Vasiliy Guryanov shares his thoughts about the value of participating in an event like the speed stringing contest
Diane Hamm Vida talks about USRSA certification at the IART symposium
These are just a few of the people that make the IART symposium experience so special!