Techno times interview with Tim Strawn
Shuffling through past publications I came upon this article that appeared in an issue of Wilson’s Techno Times. This was so long ago but the memories are just as fresh as if they happened yesterday. My time on the Wilson stringing team was a wonderful experience and I met some fantastic racquet technicians through that experience. The team was relatively new at the time but has gone on to prove itself as the premier tour-stringing team within the industry. The brainchild of Wilson’s Ron Rocchi, there were many unique features of how the team was trained, how extraordinary the process actually was, and how successful the team performed in high-pressure tournament stringing situations. Tournament stringing, especially at the Grand Slam level, can be a challenge for any racquet technician but if you can rise to the occasion and perform as expected, you’ll create memories of a lifetime.

Comments (2)
Great memories of Andre! It’s hard not to like the guy, especially as he matured in his career. His last match and speech were memorable watching on TV, but I’m sure it was special being there in person.
Did Lee’s racquet become shorter and rounder after you strung his racquet?
Albert, I’d never seen anything like it but that’s what he requested so that’s what he got. I never measured it to see if it was shorter but yes, it was definitely rounder so probably shorter too if I had measured it!